Tilia Jaasma

inlays – orthoses – foot exercises – taping – advice

In 1996, I graduated as a podiatrist in Eindhoven. Afterwards, I gained work experience in Durham (UK), at the School for Podiatry. Back in The Netherlands, I worked at Isala Hospital Zwolle’s Diabetes Centre, the Reade Centre for Rehabilitation Medicine and Rheumatology, and private practice PodoXpert in IJsselstein.

I founded my own independent practice at Medical Foot Centre Amsterdam in 2000. Everyone can make an appointment with me: from children to elderly and from roadworker to stewardess. You can consult me for measuring and ordering inlays and orthotics. I also advise on shoes, foot exercises and skin care. I treat all feet issues or complaints that arise from an abnormal foot position or function.

In my spare time I enjoy hiking, travelling, concerts, and I love to watch detectives.

Available on:
Monday to Thursday

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